42 finance

Your answer, even when you are not sure you know the question

We are not advisors: we’re business partners, sometimes board members. Always, mentors devoted to growth.

What we do

We work with great entrepreneurs developing great companies.

We work at the crossroads of strategy, finance, and management

We deal with fundraising, corporate issues, investor relations, team building, and organization.

Our approach is hands-on and - for every issue - we work down to its core, face-to-face with our entrepreneurs.

Reach out to us

writing an email at hi [at]

About the team

Our team is made by C-levels, managers, entrepreneurs, financial advisors, CPA, accountants.

What to expect

You can expect moments of confrontation, brainstorming and discovery to help you identifying your needs. While we address them you can focus your time, attention and energy to develop your success.

Why engage with us

Our approach

We stand next to you while identifying issues and define priorities. Then we engage with our network finding the best professionals to reach the goals, while a partner keeps you updated about the progress. We partner up with your team members and leaders to develop our solutions, resulting into a moment of coaching and development to grow your talents while developing your business.

Note for the Italian customers

Our advisors are registered as Innovation Managers as per the decree by MISE (now MIMIT) issued on Sept. 25, 2019. Our registration has been confirmed in 2023 as well.